Java Articles by

September, 2024

  • 19 September


    Author: Foojay Original post on Foojay: Read More Testtsteset The post TestPostForSorting appeared first on foojay.

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  • 19 September

    TornadoVM for RISC-V Accelerators

    Author: Juan Fumero Original post on Foojay: Read More Takeaways RISC-V is an open standard instruction set architecture that anyone can use to build new processors and accelerators, for example, for AI. oneAPI Construction Kit (OCK) is a new framework that allows software developers and system designers to bridge the gap between hardware accelerators and open standards, by enabling a …

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  • 17 September

    The Persistent Threat: Why Major Vulnerabilities Like Log4Shell and Spring4Shell Remain Significant

    Author: Brian Vermeer Original post on Foojay: Read More This article was originally published at As developers, we’re constantly juggling features, fixes, and deadlines. Yet, a lurking issue has been surprisingly overlooked: the continued use of vulnerable Log4j and Spring Framework versions in many projects. Despite the high-profile exposure of Log4Shell and Spring4Shell vulnerabilities, a shocking number of applications …

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  • 17 September

    Java 23 Has Arrived, And It Brings a Truckload of Changes

    Author: Hanno Embregts Original post on Foojay: Read More Java 23 has arrived! It’s been six months since Java 22 was released, so it’s time for a fresh truckload of JEPs. In this article, we take you on a tour of everything that is part of this release, giving you a brief introduction to each of them. Where applicable the …

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  • 16 September

    Foojay Podcast #57: Welcome to OpenJDK (Java) 23

    Author: Frank Delporte Original post on Foojay: Read More OpenJDK (Java) 23 is (almost) here! OpenJDK 23 introduces three new features to the language and runtime and many bug fixes, small improvements, and a longer list of preview features. What are the most important facts about this release? Let’s find out… Video Podcast (Audio Only) Guests Simon Ritter  …

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  • 12 September

    Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More I’m continuing my journey on getting more familiar with HTTP APIs by reading related RFCs. This time, I read the Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs on the suggestion of Stefano Fago. In this article, I’d like to summarize my reading. Note that it’s a draft. Moreover, it has been …

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  • 12 September

    DRY your Apache APISIX config

    Author: Nicolas Frankel Original post on Foojay: Read More DRY is an important principle in software development. In this article, you learn how to apply it to Apache APISIX configuration. The DRY principle “Don’t repeat yourself” (DRY) is a principle of software development aimed at reducing repetition of information which is likely to change, replacing it with abstractions that are …

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  • 11 September

    A Fresh Look at Embedded Java

    Author: Frank Delporte Original post on Foojay: Read More Since its inception, Java has promised to “Write Once, Run Anywhere.” In its early days, the main focus of Java was embedded devices, such as set-top boxes and televisions. But soon, it became one of the leading programming languages powering high-scale business applications that can handle massive amounts of transactions with …

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  • 10 September

    Press the Easy Button: Organize a Virtual Conference Schedule with a Graph Database

    Author: Jennifer Reif Original post on Foojay: Read More Putting together a conference schedule for NODES 2024 (one of my favorite events of the year) is a massive undertaking, but my colleague and I used technologies and tools at our disposal to make this process a little more efficient and greatly reduce opportunities for mistakes. Every year, Neo4j hosts the …

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  • 9 September

    Browserless Testing of Vaadin Applications with Karibu Testing

    Author: Simon Martinelli Original post on Foojay: Read More In modern web development, testing is essential for ensuring the reliability and performance of applications. For developers working with Vaadin, one of the best testing tools is Karibu Testing. This testing framework stands out for its ability to run browserless testing, offering several advantages over traditional end-to-end testing approaches, such as …

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